Friday JohnKu – AKA- TGIF

Fiction Favorites


Friday has to one of the best days of the week. I know when I get up on Friday, I feel like it is special somehow. Just knowing Saturday is just eight hours and change away puts a smile on my face. It wasn’t always that way. I remember when I was held prisoner by organized commerce, Fridays were always unique in that major and sometimes traumatic events took place on a Friday.

There were always staff meetings on Friday and they were usually good times spent with colleagues trying as best as possible to explain misses in the goal, budget, or quota. It became a game of verbal dodgeball played with all the rules of a cage death match. The song “Only the Strong Survive” continually played in your head. By five o’clock all the combatants have been vanquished and the boss can now enjoy the weekend.

Fridays are the…

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